BYLAW # 380/10
The Council of the Town of Stoughton in the Province of Saskatchewan enacts as follows:
- This bylaw may be referenced as the “Dog and Cat Control Bylaw”
- For the purpose of this bylaw, the expression:
a) “Animal” shall mean Cat or Dog, either male or female, over three months old;
b) “Administrator” shall mean the administrator of the municipality;
c) “Council” shall mean the council of the municipality;
d) “designated officer” shall mean the person designated by the council of the municipality;
e) “municipality” shall mean the Town of Stoughton;
f) “poundkeeper” shall mean the person appointed as poundkeeper by the council of the municipality;
g) “pound” shall mean such premises and facilities as may be designated by council, from time to time, as the pound;
h) “running at large” shall mean when the animal is beyond the boundaries of the land occupied by the owner, possessor, or harbourer of the said animal, or beyond the boundaries of any lands where it may be with the permission of the owner or occupant of the said land and when it is not under control by being:
i) in the direct and continuous charge of a person competent to control it; or
ii) securely confined within and enclosure; or
iii) securely fastened so that it cannot roam at will.
3) Every person in the municipality, who owns, possesses or harbours a Dog or Cat shall obtain a license from the Town Administrator.
4) The license shall be in effect from January 1 to December 31 of a calendar year and shall be obtained on or before February 28th.
a) The license fee shall be $20.00 for each female, male or spayed female.
b) The license fee for a license required after July 1st shall be $10.00 for the balance of the year.
5) A person residing in the municipality, who owns, possesses or harbours a Dog or Cat mentioned in this bylaw, and neglects or refuses to take out a license therefore shall be deemed guilty of an infraction of this bylaw.
6) Every person to whom a license has been issued under this bylaw shall cause his or her Dog and Cat to wear a collar to which shall be attached the license tag issued by the municipality pursuant to this bylaw.
7) No Dog or Cat shall run at large in the municipality.
8) A person, who owns, possesses or harbours a Dog or Cat found running at large shall be deemed guilty of an infraction of this bylaw.
9) Any person may take any Dog and Cat found running at large contrary to the provisions of this bylaw to the municipal pound, where it shall be kept for four (4) days which shall not include statutory holidays and weekends unless the owner, possessor or harbourer redeems the animal by paying at the Administration office a fine in the amount of $10.00 for each animal impounded, plus the current rate for the care and keep of each animal.
10) The designated municipal official (Administrator, pound keeper etc.) or person designated by the clerk/pound keeper etc. may destroy any Dog or Cat, which has not been redeemed within four (4) days.
11) No person shall at any time have in his/her possession, or keep within the Town of Stoughton, more than two (2) Cats or two (2) Dogs or a combination of both, for a total of four (4) over the age of three months.
12) A person who has in his/her possession or is keeping more than two (2) Cats or two (2) Dogs or a combination of both for a total of four (4) over the age of three months, within the Town of Stoughton shall be deemed guilty of an infraction of this bylaw.
13) A person, who contravenes any of the provisions of this bylaw or fails to comply therewith, or with any notice or order given there under, shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction, shall be liable to a penalty of $60.00 for each offence.
14) A violator of this bylaw, upon being served with a Notice of Violation, may, voluntarily pay the penalty of $60.00 at the office of the Town of Stoughton within 7 days of being served with the Notice of Violation, and upon payment as so provided, that person shall not be liable to prosecution of the offence.
15) The Notice of Violation shall be in the Form “A” attached to and forming part of this bylaw.
16) Bylaw #222/88 is hereby repealed.