TD Summer Reading Club

July 10, 2014 @ 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Stoughton Public Library


Make READING a part of your summer!

Kids ages 5-15 are invited to come out and join the club!

We are dreamers of dreams, makers of worlds.

What’s your spark?  Where’s your inspiration?  Find it this summer at the TD Summer Reading Club, and then join other “makers and shakers” to invent, create, hack, tinker and innovate.  With books and stories and ideas as your inspiration, you can try and fail and fly and fall and fly again.  This summer it’s all about connectivity and creativity at the TD Summer Reading Club, so bring yourself, your family, your friends and spark something great!

Each child that registers will receive a Pre reading booklet or Magazine, a door hanger, a notebook and stickers by John Martz’s cheery and unique illustrations.

Children can win prizes by writing down all the books they have read and at the end of the program hand them into the librarian.