Volunteer Appreciatin Award Submissions Due

April 2, 2014 – April 3, 2014 all-day

This is your opportunity to help the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce recognize an individual who has contributed significantly to our community though his/her volunteer services.   We ask you to complete the form attached to nominate someone for the Volunteer Appreciation Award.

The supper will be sponsored by Farrell Agencies. There is no cost to attend the event; however you will be required to have ticket to attend. You can pick up your tickets at the following locations: Town Office, Farrell Agencies & Poplar Tree Inn.

The award will be presented at our community Volunteer Recognition Supper on May 2, 2014


Submissions must be recieved by April 2

Mail to:   Stoughton Chamber of Commerce Awards Committee, Box 416 Stoughton, Sask. S0G 4T0

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