Seasonal Hours:
Dec 24 – closed at noon
Dec 25 – closed
Dec 28 – 30 – regular hours
Dec 31 – closed at noon
Jan 1 – closed
Regular hours resume January 4
Town council and employees would like to wish everyone a
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Operation Redneck – The location for the play has been moved to Stoughton Legion. Times have not changed. All nights have sold out! Thank you to everyone who has purchased their tickets, your support is greatly appreciated! All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards a new pool liner.
Welcome to Winter – Sponsored by the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce. Wednesday, December 2 from 5-8pm at Stoughton Museum and Drop-In Center. See full details here.
Stoughton Curling Club 2015/16 League Curling: Enter teams to Delmar at 306-457-3184 or Dan at 306-457-2449. Deadline to enter teams is November 29. Team fees are required to be paid in full on the day of your first game. Cost per curler – Adult $120 and Junior $65
Cat Found: On Friday a long-haired grey tabby was found on Assiniboia Avenue and taken to Stoughton Vet Services. It is a neutered male approximately 2-5 years old. Please call 306-457-3133 for more informaiton.
Stoughton Public Library Fundraiser – “Steeped Tea”. Visit us November 12 at 2pm to check out the fall catalogue, sampling available. This is a two week open book party. The library is raising funds to purchase a laptop.
Calling all Students: Would you like to display and sell your artwork at the Stoughton Public Library? We would like to set up a display for students to sell their artwork for the last two weeks in October. Contact Laura at 306-457-2484 or for more information.
Thank you Stoughton Credit Union for the new electronic sign at the end of Main Street. Contact them directly to advertise your community event.
The 2014 Financial Statements for the Town of Stoughton are now available. To view the statements click the link above or they may be viewed at the Town Office.
The Annual Waterworks Financial Overview is now available for viewing.
Town office will be closed Tuesday, October 27
We will be flushing hydrants the week of October 13 – 16. If tap water appears murky or brown please leave your taps open for a few minutes and water will run clear again.
OKTOBERFEST: October 17 at 7pm at Stoughton Memorial Hall. $10 admission, no minors allowed. All money raised will go to purchasing a Zamboni.
Stoughton Library Book Sale: Tuesday Oct 13 to 17. Come to the Library to buy gently used donated books.
Fall Pick-up – Public works will collect bundled branches & trimmings and bagged leaves & clippings October 21 & 22. For Seniors Only. Please leave items neatly stacked at the curb for pick up.
Skating lessons (all ages) registration & Initiation to Hockey (ages 3-6) registration night will be October 19 at 7pm at the Rink.
Congratulations to the Blooming Street Challenge winner – Lundy Place!
Thanks to everyone who took part in this challenge to clean-up and beautify our town! Thanks to the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring this great initiative.
Southeast Regional Library is getting a new computer system on September 17. This will cause some limited circulation the week of Sept 17-24 and some library cards may need updating. For more information, please contact the Library at 306-457-2484.
The Town of Stoughton is accepting applications for a contract caretaker for Town Office and the Stoughton Clinic. Interested applicants should contact the Town Office by September 11.
Dance registration will be held September 8 from 6:30-8pm at the Hall. Ages 3 and up welcome. For more information contact Jen at 306-331-6778 or Alissa at 306-457-2204.
Stoughton & District Museum is hosting a Dog Show on September 5 at 1:30. Click for more details
The Rough N’ Ready Roughstock Rodeo will be held September 5. Advance tickets are available at the Post Office. Click here for full details on the event.
August 31 is the last day of swimming at Stoughton Swimming Pool. The pool will be open 12 – 5 pm that day. Thanks to everyone for your support of our pool this year and to our wonderful lifeguards!
Public notice is hereby given that the Town of Stoughton intends to subdivide land located in the R.M. of Tecumseh to allow for the lagoon expansion. Click here for full details.
Thank you to Terry Fraser, Gerald Hugo and all those who attended their Block Party. $500 was raised for our pool.
Lots & Building For Sale: Sealed tenders marked “Tender for Theatre” will be received up to 4pm on July 31.
Stoughton & District Museum wishes to thank everyone who brought quilts and attended our Vintage Quilt Show. Special Thank You to Borden & Betty Terney for helping set up and sitting at the museum.
Stoughton Swimming Pool Now Open! See the full Pool Schedule. To contact the pool call 306-457-2202.
Stoughton & District Museum will be open by appointment only this summer unless they are able to find volunteers to open partial hours. Contact the Town Office for appointments. They are accepting applications for the student summer position of Museum Host. Click for more details.
Taylor Park: We would appreciate if parents would remind children to please not put grass, garbage, etc in the fountain as this prevents the flow of water. There are garbage receptacles in the park.
Stoughton Chamber of Commerce Blooming Street Challenge: Learn how you can participate in this great initiative!
Canada Day Celebration
Taylor Memorial Park
1:30 Soccer – local children & youth teams
Ladderball & Bocce Ball to follow
4:30 BBQ – $5.00
Mayor’s Greetings & Ceremonial Cake Cutting
5:00 Musical Entertainment by Caragana Ramblers
Dusk – Fireworks Display
Co-sponsored by the Town of Stoughton & R.M. of Tecumseh
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.
Ce projet est financé en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.
The Stoughton & District Museum will be open July 1 from 9am-noon. Drop by and join us for coffee. The museum will also be open July 4 during Stoughton Daze from 9am-4pm, vintage quilts will be on display. To visit the museum on the Friday or Sunday of Stoughton Daze please call 306-457-2449.
Stoughton Daze will be July 3 – 5. The events kick off Friday with a golf tournament and lip sync battle. On Saturday festivities include a parade, wagon rides, slow pitch tournament, kids games, beer gardens with a band, Gainer the Gopher, a quilt show, Agriculture show and more. Sunday’s events include breakfast and church at the park, the 5k Walk/Run for the swimming pool, and the NHHC Fun Horse show. For a full list of activities use the links above or see the Community Calendar.
5k COLOR Walk/Run will be held Sunday, July 5. All proceeds will go to the Stoughton Swimming Pool. Click here for full details.
The Town of Stoughton is currently accepting applications for two Public Works summer student positions. Click here for more details.
Stoughton Swimming Pool is now accepting registration forms for lessons. Forms are available at Town Office, will be sent home with children through the school, and here, Pool Registration Form 2015. Please return all forms by June 10. For more information contact Danica at 306-891-9101.
DOG FOUND: 6-8 year old Maltese cross, spade female, white & apricot color with a pink harness. Found on Main Street. Dog has a micro-chip but the contact information is not updated.
Join us for a FREE E-WASTE DRIVE – anything with a battery or a cord! From Friday, June 5 to Monday, June 15 a container will be behind Goodwill Bakery, across the street from the Public Works building. Computers, phones, TV’s, small electronic appliances and more can be recycled in this container. See the full details here.
Congratulations to the Chamber of Commerce Award winners:
Regens Disposal Business Enhancement Award – New Hope Pharmacy
Town of Stoughton Community Involvement Award – Stoughton Vet Clinic
Sasktel Customer Service Award – Stoughton Meat Market
RM of Tecumseh Business of the Year Award – New Hope Pharmacy
SaskEnergy Volunteer of the Year Award – Erin Clark
Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who came out Saturday morning
to the cemetery cleanup. You did a wonderful thing for the residents.
They and I thank you for the amazing job you did. It looks great out there and we hope to see you all out there again this summer and Thank You for your dedication.
With Thanks to all of you
NO RULES Book club at the Library. Click for more information.
Spring clean-up: Public Works will collect bundled branches and trimmings and bagged leaves on May 27, for seniors only. Please leave items neatly stacked at the curb for pick-up.
Tickets are now available for Ladies Diamond Nite Out – May 30, 2015. Click for more details.
Congratulations to Linda and Eleanor!
Linda Beckman & Eleanor Adams played in the Dominion Cribbage Tournament April 24-27, held at Spruce Grove, Alberta. They represented Stoughton Tecumseh Branch #133 & won the Dominion Doubles Championship.
New Hope Lodge Auxiliary is looking for community support and participation. For more information on the organization click here.
Newhope Auxiliary Lodge is looking for individuals or groups that would be interested in entertaining at the Newhope Nursing Home. Please contact Arlene Picard at 306-457-2552 between the hours of 7:30am to 4pm.
Stoughton Library is accepting Tenders for Steam Cleaning Carpets. Click here for more information.
Stoughton School Drama Club presents “Red versus the Wolf” – May 7 & 8 at 7pm. Click here for more details.
The Stoughton Chamber of Commerce is looking for nominations for Volunteer of the Year and Business of the Year. Nominate a deserving volunteer and business that has been an integral part of bettering our community. Nominations will run from April 1-30. Nominate at participating Chamber of Commerce Businesses. The Chamber of Commerce Awards Night will be held on May 8 at 6pm at the Memorial Hall.
Soccer registration will be from 5-8, March 31 & April 1 at the school. Contact Erin Clark at 306-457-2422 for more information.
A Yarn Bomb Workshop will be held at the Library on May 12. Click for more information.
The 2015 Assessment Roll has been prepared and is open for inspection.
Click here for more information
Baseball registration will be March 19 at 6pm at the school library. Contact Derek at 306-457-3113 for more information.
Stoughton Rink is now closed. Thanks to everyone who supported our rink – see you next year!
The Stoughton Lions Club is pleased to announce:
Lion Len Wilcox has completed 30 years as a Lions Member. He received a Milestone Chevron Award on February 25, 2015. Congratulations Len!!
Congratulations to the Eagles Hockey Team who won first place at their tournament February 14.
It’s Curling Bonspiel Season! Check the community calendar for upcoming bonspiels
Stick Curling Clinic: February 19 at 3pm. Learn to stick curl or improve your skills. Call Delmar Deren at 306-457-7399 for more details. Weather permitting as the instructor is from out of town.
The Stoughton Rink is open! Passes can be purchased at Town Office or daily fees can be paid at the rink. Click for the full Rink Schedule. To book the ice please call Rowena at 306-471-7021.
FOUND: Female black and tan Rottweiler cross, 5-7 years old with cataracts, wearing black, spiky Harley Davidson collar. Please contact the Stoughton Vet Clinic at 306-457-3133 for more information.
On January 9th there will be a Public Hearing Concerning the Notice of Intention to Designate the GRAIN ELEVATOR in the RM of Tecumseh as a Heritage Building. Click here for more details.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to Agnes Fraser upon her retirement from Stoughton Housing Board after serving 20 years. Thank you Agnes for your commitment to volunteering for our community.
SKATING LESSONS: Lessons will be held Mondays & Wednesdays at 6pm at Stoughton Rink. Call Erin at 306-457-2422 to register or if you have any questions.
INITIATION TO HOCKEY: Children ages 4-6 are invited to come play hockey. Call Brad Gervais for more details.