Town Council and Staff would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Town Office will be closed on Monday, December 25, Tuesday, December 26 & Monday, January 1.
Congratulations to local author, 10 year old Bronte Big Eagle! His book, written in Nakota, won the Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre short story writing contest. See the full story here.
Welcome to Winter will be held at Stoughton Central School on December 7 from 5-7pm. Join us for this come and go evening with bake tables, kids crafts, pictures with Santa, food and more! Sponsored by the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce.
Dinner Theatre – “Insane with Power” will be performed Nov 24 & 25 and Dec 1 & 2 at the Legion. Tickets are $40 each and are only available for the Nov 24th performance. They can be purchased from Danielle Hoffman or Poplar Tree Inn.
Our town flag, designed by Mari-An Torres, is now proudly flying in front of Town Office!
Businesses and individuals can purchase a flag at town office for $125.
Summary Notes from the Community Meeting are now available. Thank you to everyone who attended that meeting and provided input into this process. We are still accepting survey responses from anyone who hasn’t had the chance to complete one. They can be filled out online or paper copies can be picked up at Town Office.
When trimming grass, bushes and trees, please remember to also trim around the edges of your property especially along alleyways and boulevards.
Sewer Main Blockages are preventable! Please do not put any grease or solids down your sewer line as this causes blockages in the Mains and at Lift Stations. Not only is it harmful for Town infrastructure but it can also cause private lines to become blocked. Public Works has found everything from tin can lids, to lipstick, to toys at our lift stations.
Please ensure that garbage and recycling cans are only at the curb the evening before pick up and removed as soon as possible after pick up has occurred. If cans are left at the roadside for extended periods homeowners may be held responsible if they are damaged.
We are looking for pictures of Stoughton & District Golf Course for promotional materials, preferably containing golfers in action. If you have any pictures please contact the Town Office or email them to
A Community Meeting will be held on Friday, September 29 at the Stoughton Legion.
Residents, business owners, property owners, community groups, and other stakeholders are invited to provide their input into the Town’s Official Community Planning process. This includes creating a community-wide vision, goals, and policies aimed at improving the long-term success of Stoughton. Please help plan for the future by attending the meeting AND completing our Community Questionnaire. Printed copies of our Community Questionnaire will go out in the September utility billing, or can be picked up at the Town Office. Surveys may also be completed at through this link.
The Town of Stoughton invites applications for the position of Public Works Assistant. Duties include, but are not limited to, operation and maintenance of heavy equipment, care and repair of streets, sidewalks, landfill and parks, and assist with the operation and delivery of water and sewer services. Click here for full details.
Dutch Elm Disease Control – Green Drop Tree Care will be in town the week of August 28 to identify and mark infected trees on all public and private properties within town. Click here for full details on this program.
The dry conditions this year have caused strain on our wells so a Water Conservation Policy has been put into effect. Residents are asked to only water when necessary, and only every second day with houses evenly numbered watering on the even days of the month and odd numbered houses watering on the odd days of the month. This will remain in effect until our well levels return to normal.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Equipment for Tender: Town is accepting sealed tenders for a Mower, Sander, Bucket, Tank, Cement Mixer and Rototiller until September 15. For more information on any equipment, please call Public Works at 306-457-2550.
Did you know you can view our 2016 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position & Consolidated Statement of Operations on our website? The Annual Waterworks Information is also available. They can all be found on our Town Reports page.
The Pool Board would like to thank:
-Stoughton Lions Club for sponsoring the Stoughton Daze free swim day.
-Danielle Hoffman for organizing another successful color run – over $800 was raised!
-Royal Tank Cleaners and Coderre Construction for sponsoring the run
Thank you to all the volunteers and groups who helped to make Stoughton Daze so successful!
Stoughton Recreation Board – Stoughton & District Golf Club
Stoughton Lions Club – Stoughton Ag Society – Stoughton Rink Board
Stoughton-Tecumseh & District Fire Department – Stoughton School SCC
Stoughton Pool Board – New Hope Horse Club – Stoughton Demolition Club
Stoughton Public Library
If we missed your group – please accept our apologies.
Stoughton Golf Club is having a raffle to raise funds for new tarps for the greens. Grand prize is a $6,000 travel voucher OR $4,000 cash. 2nd and 3rd prizes are 2018 season memberships. Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased at the Clubhouse. Draw date is September 30.
Get involved! Local groups are looking for members and invite you to attend their next meeting:
Rec Board – Sept 4 at 6:30pm at Town Office, meets 1st Monday of the month
Pool Board – Sept 6 at 7pm at Town Office, meets 1st Wednesday of the month
Golf Board – Aug 10 at 7pm at Town Office, Contact Brad at 306-891-5312 for the next meeting date
Library Board – Oct 5 at 7:30pm at Library, meets 1st Thursday of the month
The Fire Chief
Wishes to thank the members of the Stoughton – Tecumseh & District Fire Department for all their hard work and practice preparing for the 2nd annual Alameda Firemen’s Rodeo. The team of four, under Captain Evan Raiwet’s auspices, garnered the department a 3rd place finish. The rodeo consisted of 10 timed events involving hoses, nozzles, ladders, rescue, etc. with all the teams competing for the fastest times.
Captain Raiwet was in charge of putting together the team which consisted of Craig Donnelly, Liam Hagen and Matthew Warburton, and organizing the practices. Everything came together and the team performed with a great deal of professionalism that makes myself and the department proud.
Thank you from the Fire Chief and members of the Stoughton – Tecumseh & District Fire Department.
The 2017 list of events and tournaments at Stoughton Golf & Country Club is now available.
Summer hours are now in effect at the Landfill. It is open Tuesday 10am-1pm, Thursday 4:30-7:30pm and Saturday 11am-2pm.
Warm weather and construction season are upon us. Please remember that all construction, including decks, sheds and garages require a building permit from the town. Failure to receive a proper permit could result in the removal of the structure.
2017 Animal Licenses: are now available at the Town Office. License fees are $20 per animal. Any person who fails to purchase an animal license shall be liable to a penalty of $60 as stated in Bylaw 380-10.
Canada Day Celebration
Join us in Taylor Memorial Park for a BBQ & entertainment!
Hamburger or Hotdog, Salads, Cake & a Drink for $5
Served by the Stoughton Lions Club from 5 – 6:30pm
Entertainment by the Caragana Ramblers
Dusk – Fireworks Display
In case of rain the backup location is the Legion Hall
Sponsored by the Town of Stoughton & R.M. of Tecumseh
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.
Ce projet est financé en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.
Congratulations to the 2017 Graduates!
Town Council wishes you success on your future endeavors.
The Grad ceremony will be held on June 30 at 6pm at the school gym.
Stoughton Daze is almost here! July 7-9 will be packed full of activities including a golf tournament, parade, kids games, softball tournament, live entertainment, horse show, color run fundraiser and more!
Stoughton Pool is filled and we are hoping to open soon! Registration for lessons is still open and forms are available at Town Office. Aquasize and lane swim times are again a part of the weekly schedule. Visit the Stoughton Swimming Pool Facebook page, our website or see posters around town for the full hours of operation. The new phone number for the Stoughton Pool is 306-457-2490, but please continue to call Town Office with inquiries until they are open.
Congratulations to Arcola – winner of the 2017 SMAK Attack!
SMAK Attack: Stoughton will again compete in a friendly competition against Manor, Arcola and Kisbey for community cleanliness and appearance. Judging will take place on Tuesday, June 27 so please ensure your property is trimmed and neat!
Congratulations to Farrell Agencies on their new location at 400 Railway Avenue! They will be holding a Grand Opening with a free BBQ and door prizes on June 7 from 11am – 2pm to celebrate. Donations will be collected with all money raised going to the Legion Roof fund.
…to the many people who took the time to go and promote the town at the Weyburn Oilman Show. Over 100 people stopped at the Stoughton booth and we were well represented.
…to those who painted our Main Street Banners and contributed to the beautification of our town!
Congratulations to the Stoughton Soccer Club on their tournament held June 10 & 11. 20 teams participated with players ranging in age from 3 to 17 years old. The food booth was also a success and all money raised will go towards the purchase of new large nets for the older age groups. Thank you to all the coaches, board members and volunteers who worked hard both at this event and throughout the season.
Welcome to Virginia Silgoria Gimenez, our new Town Superintendent! Virginia brings lots of experience to our Public Works team and will quickly become a familiar face around town.
The Chamber of Commerce has a booth in the Oilman show in Weyburn on June 7 & 8 to promote the Town of Stoughton. If you would like to advertise your business in their booklet please contact Danielle Hoffman at 306-457-7651 to make arrangements. There is a $50 fee for this if you are not a Chamber Member. They also invite all community groups to submit some information about their group to put in the books as well. There is no charge for the community groups.
Stoughton Swimming Pool is accepting registrations for lessons. All lessons will be held in July, and evening lesson sessions are also available. Forms can be picked up at Town Office. Please return them by June 15. Spaces will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Stoughton Golf Course is open! Rates for the 2017 season are listed on the Recreation Page.
With the melted snow it has become apparent that owners have not taken care to clean up after their pets both in parks and around town. We ask that all owners clean up after their dogs for health and aesthetic reasons. All animals must also be on leash or within an enclosure at all times.
REMINDER – Bylaw 380/10 prohibits dogs running at large and requires that they are licensed. Licenses are for a calendar year and are available at Town Office. Please act responsibly.
A Columbarium has been installed at the cemetery and niches are available for purchase. For full details and prices see the Columbarium Bylaw #436/16.
There will be a Town wide water shut off on Wednesday, June 7 from 11:30 – noon.
We will continue flushing hydrants through June 2. If tap water appears brown or murky please leave your taps run for a few minutes and water will run clear again.
Spring Pick-Up: Public Works will collect bundled branches & trimmings and bagged leaves & clippings on May 24, For Seniors Only. Please leave items neatly stacked at the curb for pick up.
2017 Assessments have been mailed out. 2017 is a total re-assessment year and most assessment values throughout town went up. Please note that while taxes are based on assessments, these are not your tax notices. Taxes will be levied later in the year. SAMA conducts revaluations on a four year cycle. 2013 was the year of the last revaluation and the 2017 revaluation will see assessed values upgraded to reflect a new base date of January 1, 2015.
Questions about your assessments? SAMA assessors will be here April 5 to answer any questions you have. Please call Town Office at 306-457-2413 or click here for more details.
The Golf & Country Club Annual General Meeting will be held on April 11 at 7pm at the Poplar Tree Inn.
Please be aware that it is necessary for Public Works to pile snow on the boulevards. They are working hard to keep the streets and areas in front of driveways clean and will continue to utilize the Town boulevards to store snow.
The Refinery Contractors Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 15. It will be held at McKenna Hall in Weyburn from 8:30 – noon to present the proposed project and have a general meet and greet.
The Town of Stoughton invites applications for the position of Town Superintendent. Click here for full details and job posting.
Public Works will collect Christmas Trees on January 18. All decorations, garland and tinsel must be removed. Please leave your tree curbside for pick up.